Does anyone know where I can get a print of Shin Yoshikawa's DB cutaway art work? I have looked all over for one and have not been able to find one. I know what you are going to say....why don't you go to Shin's website and order one....well I have called Shin a few times and talked to him on the phone and he does not have any remaining and has no intention on printing any more of them. If anyone has any idea where I can find one shoot me an email. thanks

UPDATE: I have finally obtained an original cutaway print!!!!! Special thanks goes out to Jim Romano who found one for me!!!!!! Thanks to Jim and all that were keeping their eyes open for one.
I would be willing to buy one as well. Maybe with enough interest we could get a rerun. I know I have talked with the artist as well and he says he is retired. So nice a drawing. He worked for Zagato when he was a very young man.